Chemical cleaning is a cost-effective and efficient method involving the use of reactive chemicals to remove unwanted deposits, corrosion, residual oils and greases, and other obtrusive contaminants from the surfaces of various pieces of process equipment, including components of power-generating units such as boiler and condensers, heat ex-changers in refineries and other industrial equipment. This process is used for passivation to eliminate fouling, oxidation, process system corrosion, and decontamination of process lines and vessels. TuffChem offers a full line of chemical cleaning equipment and well-trained operators and chemists that guarantee the quality of our chemical cleaning results. We provide the required documented maintenance program for each re-circulation with written procedures for quality control so as to give our customers peace of mind. Our chemical cleaning services are applicable to a wide array of industrial settings, which includes: Boilers Cooling System Heat Exchangers Condensers Tanks Passivation Processes – Picking Processes New Power Plant Installation Pre-cleaning Removsal of Iron Fouling from Packed Stripper Tower Process Piping and Systems Surface Preparation